Septic Tank Inspections Can Save You From Expensive Maintenance

Your septic tank works hard every day. Not only does it help you dispose of waste, but it also brings water back into your plumbing system. No matter what you put into your system, it does its best to give you clean water. For this reason, it is important that you have your septic tank inspected and maintained.

How Often Should Your Septic System Be Inspected?

You should have your system inspected about once a year when possible. Some people might only consider an inspection if they are selling their home, but it is important that you keep up to date on these matters before they develop into problems. Maintenance is your friend.

What Does an Inspection Include?

Depending on the purpose of your inspection, the specific tasks might differ. The inspector will determine when the tank was inspected last and if it needs to be pumped. They will also ensure that the septic tank is performing its role and that it is large enough for the home and number of occupants living in it.

The inspector also looks for any seepage of liquid and waste that could show the inspector that the system is trying to do too much. They also look for cracks and other issues that could grow in the future. The drain lines also need an examination to ensure they are not clogged.

How Can You Keep Your Septic System In Line?

There are several steps you can take to avoid the need for repairs following an inspection of your septic system. For instance, you should not flush anything down the toilet or let anything go down the sink that doesn't belong there. You also shouldn't flush tampons, paper towels, or diapers down the toilet. These items can interfere with your septic system.

You should also avoid bringing heavy items to the drainfield area. Vehicles can be quite heavy and damage your pipes before you even realize something is wrong. You should also avoid building or planting things over the drainfield, especially large trees and shrubs. You can also care for the drainfield by ensuring that water drainage does not lead to the area. Divert water from rain gutters and sump pumps elsewhere.

An Inspection Can Save You a Lot of Money

Your septic tank may need maintenance. The best way to figure out what your system needs right now is to call a septic tank maintenance company that can determine your next steps. The steps you take now can prevent you from spending more money in the future.
